Our Packages

  • 700ml

    The glass bottle is the ideal container for the countertop, both for the hobby cook and the professional .
  • 1,5l

    The PET bottle is convenient, pours easily and quickly. Ideal for home and professional kitchens.
  • 4,5l

    This bottle is ideal for the fryer and for the (professional) bulk consumer.
  • 10l

    This larger bottle is especially suitable for the (professional) bulk consumer.

Contact us to order

Order by email or by phone

Both pickups and deliveries (with minimum purchase) are possible. We can ship both small and large orders. Together with you we choose the best solution.

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+32 476 207 336

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The healthy oil

For a healthy lifestyle.
The oil is ideal for deep-frying, wok cooking, roasting, grilling, marinating and for use in salads, vinaigrettes and mayonnaise.